National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), Jamaica
The National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) is committed to providing service excellence to customers and stakeholders in order to promote sustainable development,... -
Grenada Ministry of Climate Resilience, The Environment, Forestry, Fisheri...
The Grenada Ministry of Climate Resilience, The Environment, Forestry, Fisheries & Disaster Management, Environment Division supports in the planning, promotion, review and... -
Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) -Dominica
The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) for Dominica aims to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Dominica through investments in... -
Jamaica Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC)
The Jamaica Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC) formulates and implements policy relating to water, environment, housing, investment, land, and works. It plays... -
Jamaica Open Data
The Jamaica Open Data Catalog is designed to provide access to timely and relevant data from various ministries and agencies. The portal was built using DKAN, a Drupal-based... -
Government of Jamaica, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fis...
The Fisheries Division is responsible for the conservation and sustainable utilization of the Jamaica Fisheries Resource in a manner that ensures optimum social and economic... -
The Institute for Tropical Marine Ecology
This document is designed as a reference and guide for those seeking information on Dominica's marine environments, in particular on sessile epibenthic communities. The... -
Grenada Ministry of Agriculture & Lands, Land Use Division
The Grenada Ministry of Agriculture & Lands provides reliable Information and Services on Natural Resources, Agrometeorology, Irrigation Management and Practices. It is the... -
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversite Marine (FoProBiM)
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversite Marine (FoProBiM) aims to raise awareness concerning needed changes in regulations and attitudes, increase knowledge and... -
Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program - National Centers for ...
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) delivers national and global weather, water, climate and space weather guidance, forecasts, warnings and analyses to its... -
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Digital Repos...
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Digital Repository provides access to more than 35,000 digital publications, from the first publication of... -
Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW) Publications
The Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW) is a four-year project that began in 2011. One of the objectives of the GEF CReW project is to assist countries who... -
Copernicus, European Union
Copernicus is the European Union's Earth Observation Programme, looking at our planet and its environment for the ultimate benefit of all European citizens. It offers... -
Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA2)
The Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA2) is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the "Marine Environment and...