Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management (CaMPAM) Network and Forum, MPA regional database

The purpose of the Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management (CaMPAM) database is to provide a resource detailing the numerous marine protected areas in the region, and to make that resource accessible to those interested in examining a number of variables. The database is a standardized repository of detailed information for Caribbean MPAs and is a resource for producing regional analyses. It is comprised of 60 fields focusing on identity, legal, biophysical and management parameters. Maps and a template for outlining management plans are included. Data are entered by the MPA management authority or authorized person and can be updated. Some MPAs with very limited data (name, location, extension) were included with the data of the World Database of Protected Area (with less fields than CaMPAM’s regional). Upon authorization by database manager, data are collected by site managers and/or scientists closely associated to the MPAs, information is stored in an archive.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic Scope Regional (3 or more countries)
Author The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Inc.
Maintainer Gerardo Rios
Metadata Last Updated December 15, 2020, 21:04 (UTC)
Created December 2, 2020, 19:50 (UTC)